
Feyre starfall dress
Feyre starfall dress

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Their chests were mere inches apart.Įlain’s body was buzzing with energy. It wasn’t until that moment- Lucien’s gaze devouring Elain’s appearance, chests heaving from the exertion of the brisk walk, eyes blazing, heat flooding every inch of her body- that Elain realized just how close they were. The fire in his eyes as she met them had heat wrapping around her belly and filling her entire body.Ī perfect brow arched when he asked, “Is that so?”Ī taunting smile graced Elain’s lips. Elain spared a glance to the male next to her. She kept her chin high, gaze on her roses and pointedly not on him, just as she sensed his steps stutter beside her.

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“I assure you my gardens are well appreciated.” Her response was offhanded, as if she didn’t care how he reacted. Finally catching up to Lucien, she fell into stride beside him. Elain’s steps were quick enough that she had to bend to gather her skirts to continue to hustle after him and not fall on her face. They had gotten to her rose garden, but Lucien showed no signs of slowing down. Elain’s cheeks flamed as she caught onto the double meaning of his words. The infuriating smirk she caught a glimpse of when he turned his head had been dipped in suggestion. “Why, Lady Elain, you don’t want me to appreciate your beautiful gardens?” The question was thrown flippantly over his shoulder, as if it was causing him no trouble at all to keep up this verbal facade. It was a sunny day in Velaris and she felt the warmth hit her as they crossed the threshold and out into the fresh air. “Lord Lucien, I implore you to rethink your plan!” She called after him. Snapping into action, Elain was scrambling to catch up. His strides were long and purposeful making his trek to the door and to her gardens outside rather speedy. He turned on his heel and made his way to the door. Lucien’s eyes flashed, as if accepting a challenge. I do hope this terrible luck does not follow me as I take a stroll through your gardens.” I seem to be making a pattern of destroying these vases. “I haven’t the slightest idea what is happening today. The remnants of another vase laid at his feet. Her eyes flew open and narrowed on where Lucien had seemingly transported to in a matter of seconds to cause disaster. It almost worked, but when Elain drew in a fourth breath she heard another sickening crash from across the foyer. She had to bring her temper down before addressing Lucien. Break the bond.Ĭlosing her eyes, Elain drew in a calming breath. She watched as that stupid smug grin on Lucien’s face stretched further. It was not like her to lose her temper, she would not allow him to get under her skin. The feigned apologetic lilt to his voice had Elain snapping her gaze to meet his.

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“Apologies, Lady Elain,” he let out a sigh. “These butterfingers of mine are always getting me in trouble.” She was going to kill Lucien.Įlain’s eyes were glued to the remains of the vase, her favorite vase, on the floor, when Lucien’s voice reached her ears. She felt the flame of her anger lick up her body, kissing her cheeks and alighting them a burning red. Beautiful pieces of immaculate porcelain scattered across the floor in the foyer of the River House. Warnings: Elain and Lucien are still mean Bad time,” she grit out a moment later.Summary: Lucien tries to get Elain to break the bond. “Oh? Did I interrupt something important?” This earned her raised eyebrows in response, joined by an amused smile. More importantly… “You call tonight impeccable timing?” “My wedding day? You call that impeccable?” Feyre fumed. “And here I thought my timing was impeccable.” The innocent look remained, but now Rhys’s characteristic smirk was in place. “Just once I would like if you could choose to cash in your ‘one week a month’ when I’m not busy.” The High Lord of the Night Court blinked slowly at her, an unconvincingly innocent look on his face. 23. “Just once” to go lighthearted or very deep that is the question also THIRD PERSON BC I CAN’T DEAL WITH FIRST.

Feyre starfall dress